Brotherhood of the Descending of the Lord

Founded in 1948.

Titular Sculpture: Descendimiento del Señor, compuesto por Cinco Personajes Bíblicos

Sculptor: Ricardo Rico (1996)

Brotherhoods -> Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary -> Brotherhood of the Descending of the Lord

The Brotherhood was founded in 1948 by the company Unión Naval de Levante and stopped taking part in the processions due to company problems in 1960. It was re-founded by a group of friends who took over the throne, making new costumes and participating again in the Holy Week.

In 1988 the throne was destroyed by a fire when it was about to be arranged and decorated with flowers to appear in the procession. The fire destroyed both the throne and the eight figures that composed it. The current new throne is made of five figures, with three more to be added in the future in order to complete it.

On Palm Sunday and Holy Wednesday the Brotherhood carries out the collection of biblical characters from their respective homes. The big day of the Brotherhood is Holy Wednesday, during which the new brothers receive their medals before the procession begins.

Offices of the Junta Mayor Semana Santa Marinera de València

Cl. Rosario, 3 | 46011 Valencia (España)

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


963 24 07 45