Royal Broterhood of Our Father Jesus The Nazarene

Founded in 1945 (Refounded in 1988).

Titular Sculpture: Jesús Nazareno, con cruz al hombro, acompañado del Cirineo y un soldado romano

Sculptor: Carlos Román y Vicente Salvador (1946)

Brotherhoods -> Parish of Santa Maria del Mar -> Royal Broterhood of Our Father Jesus The Nazarene

The history of the Brotherhood is divided into two parts: the first part covers from its foundation in 1945 to 1951, during which the company Vda. De Enrique Illueca was the alma mater of the Brotherhood; and the second part covers from 1988 to the present. Holy Tuesday is the main day of the Brotherhood, but it also participates in the procession on Holy Thursday, in the Procession of Silence, with the Nazarene carried on the shoulders by the members of the Valencian Emergency Medical Services, and on Holy Saturday, with the Procession of the Cross and the Shroud. On January 13, 2015, the Brotherhood was awarded the Royal title.

Offices of the Junta Mayor Semana Santa Marinera de València

Cl. Rosario, 3 | 46011 Valencia (España)

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


963 24 07 45