The Junta Mayor de la Semana Santa Marinera has appointed Mercedes Andrés Celma as the town crier for the 2024 celebrations. Andrés has worked for many years in the Neuropaediatrics Service of the Hospital Clínico and is a member of a well-known family in the Fiesta. In addition, the appointment of the presenter of publications has also been made public, which has fallen to Josep Lluís Marín, head of the Festive Heritage Section of the City Council.
The election of the people in charge of the proclamation and the presentation of the Semana Santa Marinera publications marks the beginning of the countdown to next year’s event. This year’s appointments have been made by two figures who know the Fiesta well. The Junta Mayor has appointed the neuropaediatrician Mercedes Andrés Celma as the main speaker. The doctor, now retired, continues her service to society, currently collaborating with Caritas in the archpriesthood, which is an example of her great social conscience. The ceremony will take place on 1 March in the parish church of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, as usual.
As for the publications presenter, the choice went to Josep Lluís Marín, current head of the Festive Heritage Section of Valencia City Council and co-director of the magazine Rituals. Revista de Cultura Festiva, published by the Institución Alfons el Magnànim. Marín, a great connoisseur of Valencian festivities, is an honorary member of the Real Hermandad de Jesús con la Cruz y Cristo Resucitado (Royal Brotherhood of Jesus with the Cross and the Risen Christ). The presentation of the official publications of the Semana Santa Marinera will be on Friday 23rd February.